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ACCT UK Personal Development Bursary Fund Application

Any volunteer of the Army Cadet Force (ACF), irrespective of rank or uniform status, can apply for a personal development bursary if they require financial assistance to register for an adult qualification recognised by the Cadet Forces. If this applies to you, please complete this form using the accompanying Personal Development Bursary Fund Application Guidelines, which can be found here.

1. Personal Information

The UK Government defines a veteran as someone who has served for at least one day in the UK Armed Forces (as a Regular or Reservist).

2. Grant eligibility

Please answer all the questions below to show your eligibility to apply. If you answer no to any of these questions you may not be eligible and should seek confirmation from the ACCT UK Grants Team before applying.
Have you been on strength as an ACF CFAV for the 24-months prior to the date of this application?(Required)
Have you been an active ACF CFAV for the 12 months prior to the date of this application?(Required)
Will this qualification increase your efficiency as a CFAV in your ACF role and/or advance your youth leadership ability?(Required)
Is the cost of this adult qualification beyond your current financial means?(Required)

3. Course to Attend

4. Grant Request

Breakdown of costs
Please note the personal contribution you can make, if any, towards the qualification. In general, a contribution of 25% of costs is expected.

5. Finances

Income (please state the total income of your household, including all benefits received)

6. Supporting Information

Max. file size: 50 MB.

7. Declaration

This declaration must be completed by the applicant to ensure this is an authorised and approved grant request submitted in their name.
I declare that the information that has been provided is true and correct.(Required)
I confirm that receipt of a grant is likely to help me to continue my ACF volunteer service and encourage further personal development.(Required)
I confirm that the qualification applied for is appropriate to my current role(s) as a volunteer in the ACF and I have discussed it with my chain of command.(Required)
Clear Signature
DD slash MM slash YYYY
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Please ensure that this application form is completed in full prior to submitting. Applicants are recommended to apply two months before qualification start dates to enable time for assessment and payment. Support and advice in completing this form can be sought from the ACCT UK Grants Team:

020 4586 8186 /

Personal Development Bursary Fund Application Guidelines

What is the fund?

The Personal Development Bursary Fund supports the development of Army Cadet Force (ACF) volunteers in accordance with ACCT UK’s charitable aim:

“To promote the efficiency of the ACF through fostering the activities of Army Cadets and advancing the youth leadership abilities of Army Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAVs).”

Who can apply?

You can apply for financial support if you:

  1. Are a volunteer, irrespective of rank or uniform status, of the ACF; and
  2. Have been on strength for at least 24-months and can demonstrate that you have remained active for the past 12-months (this will be verified by ACCT UK via Westminster, so please ensure your records are up to date); and
  3. Can demonstrate that the cost of the qualification is beyond your current financial means. You will be required to provide some financial information in the application form relating to total household income and expenditure. In some instances, ACCT UK may ask individual applicants to provide additional evidence of hardship, including for example, further financial information to verify and substantiate their individual application. ACCT UK will always endeavour to keep such requests to a minimum.

    What can you apply for?
  4. Applications can be made for funding towards the full or part cost of a qualification that will either:
  5. These qualifications can be academic qualifications e.g. City and Guilds Level 7, or skilled training e.g. Archery Instructor Award.
  6. The qualification can be run by either the ACF/MOD or a civilian company.
  7. Where the course is provided by a civilian company, but is also available via the ACF, please explain in the application form why the ACF course cannot be undertaken.
  8. You must be able to demonstrate what impact the qualification will have on your ability to volunteer with the ACF within the application form.
  9. The qualification applied for must be appropriate to your current role as a volunteer and you must have discussed it with your chain of command.

    How much can you apply for?
  10. You can apply for:
    • Up to 75% of the qualification cost, though 100% may be awarded in special circumstances; and
    • Up to a usual maximum of £1,500.
  11. If over £1,500 and/or 100% funding is required, the reason for this plus any additional supporting information must be clearly provided within the application form.

    Who and what is excluded?
  12. Applications for driving qualifications will not be considered.
  13. Applications for qualifications that you have already started or completed will not be considered.
  14. You must be an active member of the ACF, any applications from volunteers in the non-effective pool will not be considered.
  15. You can only hold one personal development bursary at a time; therefore, you must finish your qualification/course before applying again.
  16. Applications for qualifications focussed on your personal career development, that will not demonstrably increase your ability or efficiency as a volunteer, will not be considered.
    What will the conditions be?
    If you are successful, you will be subject to the following general conditions. Specific conditions relating to the type of the qualifications sought will be detailed in your grant award letter.
  17. You will need to provide full details of the course and course provider. The bursary funds awarded will be paid directly to the provider.
  18. You will be required to submit a short report detailing the impact of the bursary and the qualification on your role within the ACF. The content of this may be used in ACCT UK advertising, annual reports, and future appeals for funding. You will be able to request that your information is used anonymously.
    Personal Development Bursary – Application Guidelines (September 2024)
    Holderness House, 51-61 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4DW.
    Registered charity in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (305962) and in Scotland (SC039057)
  1. If you fail to complete the qualification stated in the awarded bursary, this may
    result in:
    o You needing to repay the value of the bursary, and
    o The rejection of any other bursary applications you have made.

    How can you apply?
  2. You can submit an application at any time, though we recommend that you apply
    at least two months before your planned qualification will start. This is to allow time
    for decision-making and payment.
  3. If you have any questions about the bursary or need help completing the form,
    please contact the ACCT UK Grants Team:

020 4586 8186 /

Back to the Personal Development Bursary Fund Application form

ACCT UK Grant Privacy Information

Your personal information –

Our purpose for processing this information is to facilitate the award of a grant. The lawful basis we rely on to process your personal data is consent. You give your consent for ACCT UK to process your personal data for the purpose of deciding whether or not to make a grant to you.

Why we need it?

Those who are awarded grants are asked to provide an impact statement, which may be anonymous. Any personal information given in the application is used only to review the grant application and the ongoing administration and management of any grants we award.

What we do with it?

We may also publish information about projects on our own website, including the amount of grant awarded. We will only identify a grant recipient with their express permission. Some information about grants awarded are also published in our Trustees Annual Report. The information that will be made public in the report includes the name of the grant programme (the ACCT UK Personal Development Bursary Fund), a description of the grant’s aims and objectives and the total value of grants given by the programme.

How long we keep it?

We will retain personal data for the duration of the grant award and reporting period.

What are your rights?

As we process personal data in grant applications in our capacity as a charity, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data. For more information on your rights, please see

Do we use any data processors?

Wherever possible we will try to anonymize your data, but we use these companies to help us manage, store and dispose of your personal data:

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your personal data, or should you wish to make a complaint please contact Richard Walton, Deputy Chief Executive, via email:

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