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Tim – ACF Volunteer

Tim, an Adult ACF Volunteer for 8 years who lives in West Sussex, was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. With a young family to support, family finances took a sharp turn as he found himself without a job while his wife was training to become a nurse.

18 August 2021

The Hardship Relief Fund

Until November 2019, I had enjoyed many years of successful job roles in management of all kinds, always adapting to my new jobs with ease. Since leaving school when I was 16, I had never been unemployed and have always been proud of being able to support myself and the family over the years. Unfortunately, at the end of November 2019, I found myself without a job, following a tough year with a new employer that had unfortunately not gone the way either of us had wanted it to. At first I was quite optimistic that a new job would soon be found, as I had always been able to find suitable employment when I wanted a new job or challenge, however it soon became evident that this was not going to happen.”

With his wife already committed to her Student Nurse training, the family found themselves in need of state support and applied for Universal Credit.

As the month’s passed, Covid-19 hit hard and the pool of job opportunities soon dried up and the family finances took a sharp turn. Our monthly income had now dropped significantly, with my wife’s student loans being the only source of earnings we had.’

The Hardship Relief Fund granted by ACCT UK helped Tim’s life and his family in many positive ways.

The process of applying for the Hardship Relief Fund, although detailed, was simple to do and I was extremely happy to find out I had been awarded the grant. It was nice to know that we could keep our broadband account open, making Daniel’s home schooling less of a worry and also allowing both the boys to keep themselves occupied during lockdown with online entertainment and – something that really helped with their wellbeing – the ability to keep in touch with their friends through Skype and Facetime. Being able to see friends and chat away to their heart’s content, made such a big impact on their wellbeing through the struggles of lockdown.’

Finding myself in such a position that my family really needed some financial support was hard to come to terms with after so many years of being so self-sufficient, but knowing that there are support mechanisms in place such as the Hardship Relief Fund made a huge positive impact to me and my family.’

I would urge anyone that finds themselves in need of help to get in touch with ACCT UK, it is not a taboo subject to be in need of help and everyone at ACCT UK has been fantastic all the way through.’

ACCT UK helped 245 Adult ACF Volunteers and their families to manage during the pandemic.

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