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An extensive four year study (2016-2020) by the University of Northampton into UK Cadet Forces highlights the positive impacts on young peoples’ development, adult volunteers and wider society.

The study found that participation in Army Cadets has significant positive impacts on young people, increasing their performance at school and improving their employment and career prospects. The impact is particularly strong for those cadets that endure economic and other disadvantages.


The study supported our deeply held belief that participation in the Cadet Forces develops a number of key attributes in young people including:

As a result of developing these attributes, young people and society, experience:

  • Increased social mobility
  • Improved educational outcomes (as a direct consequence of improved attendance and behaviour)
  • Improved mental and physical wellbeing
  • Enhanced employability
  • Reduced vulnerability/increased resilience (to bullying and to criminal and extremist organisations)
  • Inclusive community links across ethnic, religious and socio-economic dimensions

View the full report

Click below to read the full report.


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whois: Andy White Freelance WordPress Developer London