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ACCT UK supports young people and volunteers in the ACF to experience life changing opportunities through the ACF that positively impact on young people’s development.
A four year University Study conducted by the University of Northampton found that participation in Army Cadets helps young people to achieve higher outcomes in health, education and future employment.
The study found that participation in Army Cadets has significant positive impacts on young people, increasing their performance at school and improving their employment and career prospects.
Independent ResearchACCT UK’s Matthew Bacon Bursary supports young people who need to make a step-change in life or lack the confidence to develop and achieve through the ACF. The bursary has transformed the lives of over 60 teenaged Army Cadets who have all reached new milestones through participating in the Outward Bound Trust (OBT) 19 day adventure challenge.
The Matthew Bacon Bursary enabled me to unlock my full potential and embark on an adventure I didn’t think was open or possible for me. Each day and each activity helped me take one small step closer to becoming more confident and the person I have always wanted to be.”
Young Army Cadet Kashif
We supported over 1,500 Army Cadets to participate in Battlefield Tours as part of First World War remembrance commemorations providing important life lessons for young people and continue to support tours now. The tours have a significant impact in deepening young people’s education and understanding of the First World War and other wars. Whilst on tour, Cadets are able to understand their personal connection to this important part of history by paying their respects to relatives buried at the cemeteries or recorded on memorial plaques as well as conducting short services of remembrance.
I am very thankful for your funding of this trip. I hope there will be many more trips in the future so other cadets can experience this. It has helped all of us to properly understand what the soldiers went through in the war and what the war was about.”
Young Army Cadet Cdt Young
Thank you for your funding of our trip, I have had the experience of a lifetime and I feel very proud that I had the chance to march at Menin Gate and experience placing the Poppy wreath with two other Cadets.”
Young Army Cadet Corporal Godfrey
It was such an honour to have the opportunity to have such an extraordinary experience, to remember those who had fallen and make our mark in history for the 100th anniversary. It really made us realise how lucky we are to live the way we do as free people.
Young Army Cadet Molly MacLoughlin
Our support to Army Cadet Counties enables young people to access sports, music and adventure activities contributing to their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, ACCT UK set up The Hardship Relief Fund to support Army Cadet Volunteers and their families who had suffered considerable financial difficulties. Our aim was to get volunteers through the pandemic so they would be well looked after and ready to volunteer again when Army Cadet activity restarted. 245 adult volunteers were supported in 2020, with 58% of families able to keep their homes as a result of our help.
The Hardship Relief Fund allowed me to feed and keep my family warm.”
Being allowed a grant from the Hardship Relief Fund, literally allowed me to breathe a sigh of relief and improved my mental health’
Without ACCT UK’s support I would have got into debt with no way out. I can’t thank you enough’
In a survey of 295 families supported by The Hardship Relief Fund, 97% said ACCT UK had made a positive impact on their situation during the pandemic, with 58% of families avoiding getting into further debt or arrears as a result of our support.
Read our stories to hear how ACCT UK’s support has changed the lives of young people and families across the UK.