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Cambridgeshire ACF Shine at Burwell Carnival

20 September 2023

On the 1st of July 2023, the Cambridgeshire Army Cadet Force Corps of Drums made a memorable appearance at the Burwell Carnival. It was their first parade since the pandemic, and the enthusiasm of both their adult leaders and cadets made it a resounding success. They arrived a few hours before the event began, and the streets were already bustling with eager spectators.

The event provided a wonderful opportunity for our cadets to engage with the public, creating lasting memories for them. We extend our heartfelt thanks to ACCT UK for their generous grant of £300, which allowed us to acquire 4 flutes. Your support is greatly appreciated, and we will forever be grateful for your generosity.

Marcellus Roberts, Detachment Commander, Corps of Drums

If you are looking to get involved in something similar and need support with funding for musical instruments, you can apply today, here.

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